Hello everyone!

I’m in another 4* hotel (terrible I know – Thanks Dad!) while Robs here for the weekend. But, I found an apartment. Yes, we looked at a ton of flats. Some of them were absolutely hideous. Vomit worthy. How can people live like that? Ergh! Moldy bathrooms and stained carpets and filthy kitchens and eeeeeeeewwwwwwww!

So, after seeing about 10 horrible places, Mum saw a billboard for “brand new apartments, each bedroom has a bathroom, exceptional security” and it was across the road from uni. We rang, we saw – *We got it!* Heheee! So, its a one bedroom, one bathroom, small kitchen, fully furnished apartment across the road from uni with swipe card entry and a laundry in each corridor. *Halleluyah!* Go to www.rusdenhouse.com.au to have a look-see.

The catch? They’re not ~actually~ finished yet. So, I’m staying with a family friend for a fortnight until they’re ready. She’s about a 20min bus trip from uni, but her suburbs just like Parnell. *Brilliant* I don’t have any photos yet, but will post some when I get some. (Actually, I have to find my camera cable first….)

Am meant to start working on my Masters on Monday. Will let you know how things go.


6 thoughts on “Day 4: Another 4* Hotel”
  1. Hi Liz

    Hi Vanessa here, thought id send a few lines as im envious of you living over there and im stil at dream stage for moving to oz, but anyway, hope you are loving it there. As for the korowai headache, what a huge mess thats turned into now.Did some one mention to that woman early on that we are in the habit of being taken advantage of and that we could be a easy touch for money seeing as we have a whanau account set up and running. Huh. What a strange definition of whanau that lady has.
    Well Liz, I shall send this and maybe write some more later tonight. We have a webcam but havnt used it to talk to anyone yet, only vinny but he doesnt like coming to talk to us very often because the kids here end up mocking him and he makes our computer do wierd things and we all have to say sorry so that he’ll put all our settings back to normal. Quite funny tho.Take care Liz and will love and leave you for now. Bye. (wasnt sure what box or option to tick up the top there, so I didnt touch any of them. haha. c ya.

    1. Re: Hi Liz

      Yes, she definately does have a strange sense of whanau… or at least no way to blend whanau and business in the slightest. *aigh* Ah well. I’m back to ordering more feathers to top you guys up and stuff. Check your email, hey, and let me know what you think about the feathers?

      Thanks for posting cousin. Means a lot. Will have to chat to the kids sometime with the webcam sometimes… but I can’t muck up your computer from here, so you’re ok there.


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