Hey everyone,

So, I’ve been spending Easter weekend at Wendy’s, which has been nice as I don’t have to cook all my meals, have shops in walking distance (I don’t at my apartment, and it even takes 20mins to walk to uni shops) and some company.

Wendy, her daughter Abbey, her neighbour Jo and I had dinner at Rachel’s house, one of Wendy’s friends, last night, which was great. It was quite interesting, coz all of us are different ages (me and Abbey in 20s, Jo and Rachel in 30s and Wendy somewhere plus) with different backgrounds but all women. It made the conversation kinda kool.

The weather has been quite fine with showers, so Wendy’s been in the garden most of the weekend – she has quite the green thumb. I’ve been watching her from the clea warm inside, occasionally offering cups of tea and sandwiches. It’s a happy arrangement.

Uni was quiet this week, but I have homework since I won’t see Ray til I come back from NZ. I have to revise most of my computer vision work from the last 2 years, including object recognition, path navigation strategies and other stuff. I think I’ll write up a kind of report of all the background research as a base for my literary survey I have to do. Should be useful. Of course, I left most of my last 2 years of work in NZ, so its lucky I’m coming home on Saturday. Hooray!

I hope everyone is well. The korowai is looking fantastic, based on the photos I’ve seen. Will look amazing when its finished.

5 thoughts on “Easter weekend…”
  1. Hi there. It’s Mum. Easter was Korowai time again. Very fine. Dale and Kelera came up and we had a nice time working together. We currently have 2 rows to go. I took the cloak up the Rahema and Anya, Teina and Tamaira and Ray. Teina held each feather in place while I wove it in. Now Vanessa’s family and TK’s and Mattie. Ma wants to put one in too. Finnishing off soon. B good to see you this arvo. xx

  2. Korowai

    Hi Lizzy – the Korowai is looking awesome = hope you had a great Easter and break.
    I’m trying to get work together ie for essay and off to Europe on 3 May ie UK then drive with Lynn to her water mill just north of Perugia. Think I will need to take my computer with me!!
    Take care and hope all continues to go well for you.

    With Love
    Margaret Chalk

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