So, for those who haven’t heard – Rob got the Job! Hoorah!

When he came over last, he went to a job interview and everything, and they liked him, he liked and the place and *voila*, job-ness. He’s given his current boss a month’s notice, so should be coming over mid August.

The company is called Davey Pumps (so some variation). They make water pumps for houses, farms, ponds and drainage, industrial applications and pools and spas. rob would be working with 3 other engineers as a mechanical design engineer, designing the water pumps for specific projects. It’ll be good, coz Rob will be able to specialize in water pumps and fluid flow and stuff like that. But, we don’t know a lot about his day-to-day work yet, but will let you know.

Rob and me at the Hockey Ball.

In other news, Tari got all of us free tickets to some student play tonight, which should be interesting. Then tomorrow, Camille is back in Melbourne for a few days and we’re all going to have pizza and go to the pub to celebrate.

Hope everyone is well. Cu guys in August (I’m coming back Sun Aug 6th and leaving Mon Aug 14th).


5 thoughts on “Rob got the Job!”
  1. yee haa

    hey Lizzie
    Hows the week going with mum there? Have you been out lots and had the whanau over to your pad for a party….kidding…I did congratulate Rob on his new job didn’t I? Yes I did….and Davey Pumps is a really old company who have been making pumps for years….the old one down here that pumps water from the bore to the marae is an orignal design and is over 50 years old…its had a few tickle ups over the years, but its very basic and parts for it are easy to score. Even I can strip it down and put it back together.
    just thought Id drop you a line…
    night night

    1. Re: yee haa

      Huh. Thats quite kool about the pump. I’m sure Rob’ll take a great interest in it next time we come up north.

      Spent 2 days shopping and spending time with Mum, Aunty E and the cousins, but am in uni today and tomorrow coz I have some work to do/catch up on. I’ll be seeing them all again tomorrow night for dinner and stuff, which should be great, before they go home on Saturday morning. Mum’s got a bunch of photos to show you all – they took an embarassing number of photos of my office cubicle at uni. *rolls eyes* At least they’re proud, eh. 🙂

      Aroha to you and everyone up north.


  2. Coming Home

    YAY, Liz is coming home soon. We can all hang out. I’m bored at work, hence the posting. Umm, the spoons made me do it.

    Anyways, Will be good to see ya. Keep sensible till then. 😉


    1. Re: Coming Home

      Lol. I’ll try to keep it sensible, though with 2 farewell parties next week and a brithday party, will have to see.

      Looking forward to hanging out with people kiwi style – ie beer and rugby. 😉



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