
So, Rob and I had quite a busy weekend the one gone.

Firstly, went out to town with the mates on Friday night for dinner and drinks, which was great.

On Saturday, we drove an hour out to Footscray to attend Kamana (Aunty Cindy’s son) and Gina’s wedding. I had to call Uncle Hone to check who was actually getting married so I could write in the card before the ceremony. We *knew* we were at the right place, coz there were a hundred Maori hanging round outside the church. A quarter of the church were children, so thankfully the ceremony was short. We didn’t end up going to the reception after, but it looked like it was going to a blast.

But the highlight of the weekend had to be Sunday – The Hub Productions presents Amber Benson (Tara), Adam Busch, Tom Lenk and Danny Strong (the evil trio). Rob and I got in for free coz Carissa (a convention friend of mine) runs that convention. *Sweet* Admittedly, we were working as well. Rob was selling tickets for professional photos with the actors and then for the actor’s autographs. I was selling a selection of Buffy collectable items (a few of which I wanted, but couldn’t afford) and playing go-for. The trio were the highlight – *really* funny, and much cooler than their overly geeky characters. Was a great day.

Gina and Kamana during their ceremony.

Me and Aunty Cindy after the ceremony.

Rob and Rand selling tickets for autographs at the convention. You can see pictures of the actors in the photos on the table.

Me and Tom Lenk, who played Andrew in season 6 and 7 of Buffy. Was *brilliant*.

So, the reason I’m wearing glasses in all the photos is I’ve got conjunctivitis in my eye, and am not allowed to wear my contacts for a month. *Sux*

Still, Rob and I will be flying in to Auckland on Friday evening. I’m going to Armageddon on Saturday, then up to Snells for Saturday night and Sunday. Sunday night is a family dinner for an early birthday celebration for Dad, then fly back to Melbourne on Monday afternoon. I might pop back to Armageddon for Monday morning. 😀

Cu you all soon.


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