Aparently the photos in the London blog posts were bad, so I’ve fixed those if you want to go back and look. All the photos can be clicked on to see a bigger version at flickr if you like!

So, like I said in the previous blog post, the main reason we were in Cambridge was because I had an interview with a company, ARM (http://www.arm.com), which I have since accepted the position they offered me. We’re definitely moving to Cambridge!

On Rob’s job front, there’s a couple of roles commutable from Cambridge. He’s just been invited to a round 2 interview with Bosch which is fantastic and is chasing up a couple of Cambridge companies. But until then, he is hunting for rental properties for us in the Cambridge area.

But anyway, onto our second day in Cambridge. In the morning, we went to 2 of the Cambridge University colleges, namely King’s College and Trinity College.

The King’s College Chapel is the main tourist attraction of Cambridge. It is the most stunning example of late Gothic English architecture, and going into it you can see why.

For a Chapel, It's Pretty Tall!

We’re not in many of these pictures, because the scale and size of the Chapel meant to was hard to capture the chapel’s beauty and get our ugly mugs in there. The stained glass windows in the chapel we so amazing, and all original too.

Stunning Stained Windows

Gothic Glass Shining On Tudor Roses Everywhere

Henry VII started building the chapel and it was finished by Henry VIII. Indeed, it was finished while Henry VIII was with Anne Bolyn, so their monogram (H & A) are all over the place.

Henry and Anne Forever! Henry and Anne Painted on Glass

But the highlight of the chapel by far is the extraordinary fan vaulted ceiling. Considering this chapel was built in the 16th century, the engineering involved is pretty amazing.

Amazing Fan Vaulting

The details, ah the details!

Lion's and Unicorns Stoney Crowns with Tudor Roses and French Fleur de Lis

We were very impressed by the chapel and highly recommend seeing it for anyone who comes to visit Cambridge. Just stunning.

Look to the West

We spied some more gargoyles as we wandered to the next College.

A Face Stares Down From Above A Cute Gargoyle

The second college we saw was the Trinity College. Unfortunately, the Hall was closed for renovations, so they had dropped entry fees to £1 which included a pamphlet describing the square and chapel.

The Great Court, as the space was called, had a few decorated gates around and a sundial and other things.

Trinity College Square

The we didn’t see it chime, the clock in the King’s Gate aparently chimes the hours twice on the o’clock. But the highlight of Trinity College is the statue of Henry VIII above the main gate because the sceptre had been replaced with a chairleg as a student prank in the 19th century. And no one ever put it back.

The Hours Chime Twice Henry VIII Holds a Chair Leg!

Our accommodation in Cambridge was really nice. We stayed on the top floor of a BnB and the breakfast had been great.

The Great Bed and Breakfast

However, the stairway made getting the luggage up and down interesting…

A Tiny Stairway

Then it was interview time. We bused out to ARM’s office where I had a 3 hour technical interview answering written questions and then discussing the answers. Aparently it went well, since they offered me a position.

The Interview Test

Straight from ARM, we trained up to Nottingham. More about that in the next blog post, but Cambridge was definitely a winner. And just as well, since we’ll be living here for a wee while now. 🙂

Training to Nottingham

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