Because we actually know people in London (and not too many in Cambridge), it seemed like the better idea to head down to London for the Christmas holidays. And we had a *wonderful* time.

Tripping Around

During the week, we did touristy things and caught up with a bunch of people, namely Graham G. and Andrew M., Wendy and Abbey and finally Jess C at a Japanese noodle place I’d been dying to try.

The Lovely Jess C Koya

We tripped around London a bit too. A highlight was the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, which was basically a huge carnival. Lots of food choices (bratwrst!) and drink choices (mulled wine). Even Jamie Oliver had a stall! The fair was pretty massive and very very busy.

Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Bratwurst! Jamie Olivers

Christmas Eve

We stayed at Stewart and Amanda’s house for the week (thanks so much for the crash, guys!) and had a delicious Christ mas Eve dinner with them.

Roast ready to go Plating up!

All plated up!

Stew looking chuffed Amanda digging into it!

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning, of course, involved presents! Rob and I had opened a few before we came down to London at our own tree, since we couldn’t put all the gifts in the suitcase. Rob got me a little teapot and tea cup with some loose tea leaves. I got Rob a pair of slippers so he wouldn’t have cold feet in the house!

Teacup and cookies Slippers for Rob!

Rob got me (us) some new mugs from Cath Kidston. So pretty!

I wonder where this came from? Cath Kidston mugs for me!

And Rob’s Mum sent over a bundle of wee things, including some Santa babushka dolls, a set of coasters and a shopping bag.

A Bundle of goodies from Rob's Mum

In London we opened a couple more, with Stew and Amanda. Rob got some winter socks and I got a Cath Kidston coin purse.

Winter socks! A Cath Kidston purse

Stew and Amanda got a pair of vegemite undies each from Peter Alexander at home. Top stuff!

Stew and Amanda's Vegemite undies

Christmas Lunch

The highlight of our Christmas weekend was going over to Rob’s cousin Caroline’s place for a big Christmas lunch. Gareth was the chef of the meal. We had roast chicken,  roast lamb and roast pork as well as a big pile of veges and a couple of fillets of salmon. Such a feast!

Christmas Feast at Caro's

These are all friends of Caro’s and gareth’s in London basically. Was a fantastic time! They also organised a big secret santa, which was lots of fun too.

Secret Santa at Caro's

I scored some lovely scented soaps from the secret santa. Rob decided not to play, but it was so great to see Caro again!

Secret Santa Score Cousins at Christmas!

Big thanks to chef Gareth and host Caro for the wonderulf Christmas day!

We had a wonderful week in London, particularly a daytrip down to Hampton Court Palace (Henry VIII’s palace) which we’ll talk about in the next blog post.

Again, a super big thanks to Stew and Amanda for putting us up. You’re welcome to come crash up in Cambridge again anytime!

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful week as well.

– Liz & Rob

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