One of our last adventures in Australia before we left was to go up to Lindeman Island in Queensland with the team from the Hub Productions. Rob and I had gone up here the year before for our honeymoon so it was great to go back and now with friends! Well, Carissa organised the trip as a Hub Productions corporate retreat. A happy combination of events!
Lindeman Island is a 40 minute ferry trip from the Hamilton Island airport.
As you approach the island, you get sight of the welcome the Club Med staff members provide. Crazy, but fun.
Half of the mates were from Melbourne and the other half from Sydney so we arrived on different boats. There were lots of activities, like Archery and Circus. We tried to do as many of them as the time would allow.
Circus trapeze was our favourite activity. We even got into the Circus Show that week! Was so much fun! A *huge* swing. We had to hook our knees over the bar, then reach out and grab one of the circus guys on the other trapeze. Exciting! Was great to do it again after having an initial go last year. The show with leotards and everything were great! Even if the MC called us Melbournians instead of New Zealanders!
We had such a wonderful week away. Thanks to Carissa and Rand for organising such an awesome Hub Productions corporate retreat trip!
Ah Club Med. Until next time. Maybe in Europe in a couple of years