It drizzled through Christmas and poured through New Years. Well, it was no different at our next holiday destination. Well, we got a couple of days with sunny mornings, but it rained in the afternoons. So we made the most of the sunlight we got!

Gavin bach at Lake Tarawera

Leaping off the pier Leaping off the pier Leaping off the pier

John being dragged by his niece Olivia. Awesome.

John getting towed

Rob has the pool to himself Small group in hot water pool

The front 9 are from the Gavin bach. Wonderful wonderful hot pools.

Everyone in hot water pool

The baches at Lake Tarawera have a couple of competitions the baches hold every New Years. We always enjoy the croquet and pentaque ones.

Playing croquet Missing the hoop

Aiming for the hoop

The petanque competition is also called C*cks in Frocks (ie all the boys wear dresses). Rob and Pam won the competition!

Cocks in frocks

Playing petanque

Playing petanque Skirts and drinks

Rob won the petanque

Though winning the petanque competition was one highlight for Rob, the other was catching his first trout after 7 years of fishing at Lake Tarawera. We reckon the hat did it.

Fishing on the lake

Rob caught a trout!

Trout sashimi

We were also treated to a fire dancing show by one of Jacqui’s brother’s friends. Brilliant.

Spinning Fire dancing

Twirling fire dancing Mage warrior fire dancing

Spitting fire dancing

A fantastic few days. Thanks so much for having us Gavin whanau! It’s always fun. 🙂

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