Our last week in the UK was busy. Brilliant, but busy. A wedding, packing and cleaning then a wee London farewell.

But firstly, a wedding between the amazing Abbey and Chris. Abbey and Rob have known each other since they were kids – their mothers were best friends all through school and still keep in touch. Rob and I had also kept in touch with Abbey’s Mum, Wendy, who is a great laugh. Rob and I were stoked to get the invite to the wedding, particularly since they were getting married in a castle! Highcliffe Castle in Dorset, to be exact. Stunning venue!

Chris and Abbey's Wedding

Chris and Abbey's Wedding

Chris and Abbey's Wedding

The wedding was stunning, and the reception highly entertaining. Highlight of the speeches? The groom did his speech with powerpoint, and had a highly entertaining slide showing how his happiness has increased the longer he’s known Abbey, but his finances have decreased. There were also comments about the quality of his television decreasing too. Good fun!

Chris and Abbey's Wedding

After the wedding was a spectacular party with drinks, costumes and an excellent live band. Fantastic!

Chris and Abbey's Wedding - Costumes

Chris and Abbey's Wedding - Dancing Chris and Abbey's Wedding - Dancing

Chris and Abbey's Wedding - Dancing

Chris and Abbey's Wedding - Dancing

It was a wonderful wedding and such a fun party. We wish Abbey and Chris all the best for the future!

Chris and Abbey's Wedding

Next blog post, we finally pack up and leave Cambridge. *sniff*

Until next time…

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