During our first full day in Llandudno we decided that it would be nice to walk up Mount Snowden, the tallest mountain in Britain. So we packed all our gear and food and drove out to meet our fate!

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Unfortunately the weather had other plans. It was rainy and the clouds were low. As we drove up and up, we could see less and less. Although we were not completely happy with walking in the rain, the lack of car parks was the final decision in not trying the accent. Bummer.

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Instead we drove to a private driveway and took pictures of scenery, and the car.

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As we drove back with bags full of food and energy drinks (and Easter eggs), we decided that we could climb the hill next to Llandudno as a consolation prize. The Path started by walking up a steep cable car track.

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Although not as impressive as Snowden, at least we could see more than just clouds from the top.

Wandering in Llandudno

Here we’re looking down onto Llandudno’s pier.

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As you can see below it was so much fun we jumped for joy!

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We ended the day by walking half an hour in the rain to an old Roman well. I can happily say everyone thought it was mighty IMPRESSIVE!

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Next time, we may do some more preparation before a) attempting to climb a mountain, or b) walking to a Roman well on the far side of a hill.

Next, on to the castles!

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