Hi everyone!

So, short post coz I don’t actually have much to announce. I’ve made friends with a girl Lara who’s starting her Masters in robotics too, which is kool. She’s been taking me to various lunch haunts here at uni. I’m still goin to hockey. I’ve had another lesson with my singing teacher (which was much better than last week). I’m coming into uni everyday, tho more to use the internet than anything else. I also have a phone in my apartment now with internet to come. Contact Mum or Rob if you want the number.

My meetings with Ray have been going good, so it sounds like this robot is definately coming from japan, so am focusing my attention on it. Elderly homecare, here I come!

Just as a random, here’s a photo of some photos I have on my cubicle wall. Will have to get some more printed, particularly of whanau.

Hockey club pub crawl on Saturday – will post on monday and let you know how my weekend was.



One thought on “Getting into a routine…”
  1. Haha, I have the two middles ones in *my* cubicle too! 😀 Although, they’re in black and white, but still good. I’ll one day remember to take shots of my cubicle, so you can see the kinda place I work in and be grateful for the coloured shots you got . . .

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