Hey everyone!

Am pretty tired today not only coz of pub crawl, but the fire alarm that went off in my building at 11.30pm last night. Ack. We all went out and watched tv in the next building til the alarm stopped then went back to our rooms. I didn’t get to sleep til sometime past 1am. Ack.

But also there was this pub crawl on Saturday which was kool. Met up with a couple of girls i knew from hockey (Lianne and Jack) and had a long night out in an area called Fitzroy. It was kinda like Ponsonby, but less trendy restaurants. Every place had Victoria Bitter and Carlton Draught on tap (Aussie beers) and we ended up being out til 3. I crashed over at Jack’s (as in Jacquelyn) rather than paying the extra $10 for a taxi to my place. I was kinda broke by the end of the night.

This is Lianne and Dave, Lianne’s boyfriend.

And this is me, Rebecca and Jack.

So, I’m goin to try and not fall asleep at my desk. Will post later in the week. Surely there was something else I should tell you guys… but don’t remember.



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