After we bought that table and chairs, the other thing we got straight into was buying plates and cutlery, pots and pans. This series of shots basically shows you our wee kitchen, the only down fall of this property (water damage to the floor, peeling paint on the walls) but is nice enough.

New plates!

In the UK, it’s popular for pots and pans to be coloured, so we got some modest ones, but good quality.

Pots and pan!

Rob decided to cook carbonara for our  first dinner. Yum yum!

The chef!

Finding the flower Cooking bacon

Steaming bacon

Rob and I are pretty stoked that the kitchen comes with gas hobs, but doesn’t have an extractor fan! Hmm…

Testing the food

Basic recipe: Make white sauce with oil, flour and milk. Cook the bacon then dice. Heat the sauce and add bacon, diced mushrooms and cauliflour. Cook and stir, cooking the pasta in the another pot.Then add it to the cooked pasta.

Mixing the carbonara Almost mixed!

There’s definitely something nice about having some new utensils and using them. Like you’re surprised they actually work! New bowls below. 🙂

Serving into new bowls!

And now its time to feast!

Food time!

Mwaha! Such success. We’re pretty stoked that we can prepare our own food with our own kitchen things!

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