Our little street is a nice one. A no exit one, which makes it quiet. Just big long rows of terraced houses, all probably exactly the same size as ours.

Our new street

The power lines are interesting – they all spread out from 1 pole which happens to be right outside our house.

I haz power!

Piece by piece, we’re accumulating furniture making our new home. Magazines help much. And having a bit of a starting budget to play with. Rob’s computer now has a desk, so he’s happily setup in the computer room. The bookshelf came with the house, so we had no choice in this grand item.

Computer Room

And now our bedroom! The wardrobes, chest of drawers and bed came with the house too.  At this stage, we hadn’t quite got rid of the second suitcase, let alone have anywhere to store them! We’ll have to clear the plaster and mess from on top of the wardrobes and put them up there, maybe.


We also had a very important devliery. I had to take the afternoon off to wait for it to come.

Squeezing it through

Unwrapping a present! Sofa revealed!

And with that, we officially had our first *almost* new leather couch.

Our new leather sofa

We’re pretty excited. Now it needs little cushions!


2 thoughts on “Setting Up House”
  1. Hey there
    love this way of keeping up with where you are….wonder when Mums going to venture over???? She will love pottering around your little village….Im trying to find somewhere to go to hear how ppl from there talk…you know what I mean? Manchester has its own accent, liverpool Yorkshire etc I know…but not sure about Cambridge.Can you help???
    Keep the photos and news coming…yummy kai at the farmers market ….
    love to you both
    ARNZ et al

    1. Kia ora cousin!
      Awesome that you’re loving the blog! We thought this was the best way to keep people posted, without spamming your mailbox too much! The photos help, which is Rob’s main contribution to the blog. 🙂
      Cambridge accents, hmmm. There’s a lot of very even, almost posh, english accents around. And a lot of Little Britain (‘Yea, but no, but yea, but no…’) kind of stuff too. I don’t know what the typical accent is. Probably the even English slightly posh (but not too rounded) accent.
      Will keep posting definitely. Aroha to you and your whanau! *Hugs*

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