All done with Canada, we leapt on another plane (the All Blacks safety video on the AirNZ flight was classic) to get home for Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at the Harte’s.

Harte Christmas Table set

Harte's at Christmas

We had a lovely 3 course meal which Helen ( Liz’s mum ) made – a salmon salad, roast turkey and trifle dessert. NOM NOM.

Harte Christmas Cucumber entree

Carving the Harte Whanau turkey

Christmas day we headed up to Snells beach for the Bilkey Family Christmas.

Snell's Beach

Firstly, we went straight out to get some scallops for the big feast.

Fresh scallops

Fresh scallop

Once we got back the party had started. It gets more extravagant/eccentric each year, but the neighbors haven’t complained… yet.

Snell's Beach bach

Bilkey Christmas costumes

Mum had got everyone a costume, which ranged from Santa suits to red sacks! And the alcohol flowed.

Santa loving Santa

Santa suits at the Bilkey Christmas

The next day we work up early and went out for a fish.

Kawau Island in the morning

We caught a few, but that wouldn’t have mattered as it was a lovely day anyway.

Rob fishing


Morning fishing

And I’ll leave you with the memory of John being slapped in the face by a fish.

John catches a fish

( He didn’t really)

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