Hey guys,

So, I had a good week and weekend.

This week I started doing some coding (yay for code!) to get a feel for some of the common algorithms in use for object recognition (which is one of the key parts of my project) and it’s been quite enjoyable. Im glad to not be reading anymore. *sigh*

But this weekend, I went to Yum Cha with Lara (postgrad friend), won my hockey game and went to dinner with a bunch of the team.

For those of you who don’t know Rob’s coming to Melbourne on Thursday!

He’s going to a couple of interviews and we’ll do a couple of door-to-doors to try some other companies for a job too. We’re also going to go see X-Men 3 with some of my postgrad friends which should be kool too. I’m going to show him some of the bars and stuff in town which should be good for me, coz I don’t get to go to town much.

Will update next week after Robs trip.



2 thoughts on “A productive week and a hockey weekend…”
  1. Hurrah! Post!! 🙂 So Xmen 3 last night with J – I will wait till you’ve seen it before I start doin the fan-girl thing *grin* And *squee* Only two more sleeps!! 🙂

  2. Kia ora Lizzie

    HI Lizzie….and Rob..
    I’m just showing Rahema the whanau pictures from the christenings…and then we had a look at your site.
    Glad to hear you are getting some practical stuff in now..and hope you are having a ball with Rob…I could rephrase that but I better not…
    love you take it easy…
    ma te wa
    ARNZ and Rahemaxxxx

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