Kia ora!

So, I could tell you about my last few days of not doing a lot and having a singing lesson and stuff, but there’s something more important.

I move into my apartment tomorrow!

Well, actually, I move into an apartment down the hall, coz my one won’t be legally finished for 2 weeks. Something about a usable fire exit…

But this one is available now (tenant dropped out) and its new and everything too. So, here’s some pictures of the apartment as it currently is with its furniture:

So, its all new. It’s only missing two dining chairs, which will arrive next week. Water and power is all good. And I sign my lease agreement tomorrow morning. Crazy!

And, just as a random, here’s my lil cubby hole at uni where I’ll spend most my days:

Thats all for now. I don’t have net at the apartment yet, so will post on Monday when I get into uni,



6 thoughts on “Time for a Change of View…”
  1. ka rawe!

    choice looking flat bibby….how exciting for you….first flat…first dinner…first …oh..better not say you better wait for Rob for that one.
    Your cups are zany …Have you arranged to have a flatwarming? keep us posted…
    see you and aroha from all of us…Maama says kia ora..and Rahema does to…XXXXXXXXX

    1. Re: ka rawe!

      A flat warming constitues Wendy and me having a lemonade before she goes home again. I haven’t actually got any mates here yet to have come round. Will get there though.

      And there are plenty of ‘firsts’ to take place without that one.

      Aroha to all of you


  2. Your new home

    Hey Lizzie,
    Ngarino here. Your new place looks great. And you’re throwing yourself into extra-uni activities. Good on you. That’s a great way to make new friends. It’s a rainy day here. I’m up insanely early. Ma, Pa and Hana fly in today from a long haul 27 hour flight from the UK. At least it will be warmer here. The cloak looks beautiful. Hana T was sick when we got over there so could only stay long enough for a chat and for Em to have a swim. She’s just woken so better go,

    1. Re: Your new home

      Kia ora Nagrino!

      The apartment looks much better now (as my next post will show you). Had hockey trials in the weekend and will be put in a team this tuesday, which is sweet.



  3. Oh I see it does fit by the wall. When you have someone elkse there you could move it. I love your cubby hole/actually your work desk. Do you wander around creating in your mind all the marvellous robotic things like “I Robot” movie? Or is that way out. Look on line for UAnand ans ASusan’s photo on the front of the Herald. Oz would never have a non white!!!??? It’s great!

    1. Yea, I can move the couch. But, if I move it against the wall then the dining room table goes between it and the tv – blocking the tv. With it how it is, i can sit at the dining room table and still look over the couch to the tv.

      Its the balance of trying to be creative while still remaining practical. Delicate balance. I’m not actually using hte desk yet – all my thinking re robotics is being done at uni.

      glad you like the apt. Will look for UAnand at the herald website.


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